Sprite Breaker - Unity Component

Sprite Breaker

Sprite Breaker splits Sprites into shards to simulate object breakage with minimum effort or maintenance.

Break in editor or at run-time, randomly or into pre-designed pieces. The shards will fall and fade away automatically.

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  • Breaks sprite into MeshRenderer-based GameObjects.
  • Shapes can be random or pre-designed.
  • Fade and remove after set time.
  • Break at run-time or in editor.
  • Uses sprite's original texture and shared material.
  • Optionally use a different sprite from the one being broken.
  • Optional callback can be used to initialize custom per-shard behavior.
  • Per-shard pivot, name, tag, physics, and custom data supported.
  • Custom shards from prefabs supported.
  • Can be used for purposes other than exploding objects: break sprite into MeshRenderer pieces in editor, use pieces for animation or object construction.
  • Sprite Atlas and prefabs support.

Getting Started

  1. Add a GameObject to scene with SpriteRenderer attached. Assign a sprite to the SpriteRenderer component.
  2. Add SpriteBreaker component to this GameObject.
  3. In Inspector window enable "Break on Awake" checkbox.
  4. Press Play in editor

More Info

For component and editor help, check out Documentation.

For using Sprite Breaker in code, please see the API.