Sprite Breaker API
The following methods are available for SpriteBreaker component instances:
Uses current breaker data (or SpriteBreakerDataAsset from dataAsset field) to generate shards and begin
Deletes all spawned shards, and re-enables SpriteRenderer.
Uses generation parameters to replace current breaker data with generated polygons.
RestartSimulation(bool resetShardPositions=true)
Resets clock for timeToLive and fadeAfter, and restarts physics simulation.
resetShardPositions parameter makes shards move to their spawn positions.
The following public properties are available for SpriteBreaker component instances:
SpriteBreakerData data
Object containing the shard shape data.
SpriteBreakerDataAsset dataAsset
If assigned, SpriteBreaker without data will copy data from asset when broken.
Sprite sprite
Sprite used to generate fragments. If this field is not assigned, a sprite from attached SpriteRenderer will
be used.
GameObject shardPrototype
An optional gameObject prefab used to generate shards.
Transform shardsParent
If set, this transform used as a parent for generated shards.
bool updateShardsColor
Update spawned shards renderer color every frame.
ShadowCastingMode castShadows
Shards' MeshRenderer shadow casting mode.
bool receiveShadows
Shards' MeshRenderer shadow receive mode.
Color shardsColor
Overall color/alpha of all shards, multiplied into each spawned fragment's renderer.
ShardEvent OnShardCreated
This event is called for each generated shard.
bool drawEditorGizmos
Determines if Unity Editor should draw shards preview.
Color gizmoColor
Draw shards preview with this color.
bool disableRendererOnBreak
Should attached SpriteRenderer be disabled/enabled on Break/Clear.
CreateColliders createColliders
If set, a collider and rigidbody will be added/updated to each shard with polygon edges.
One of CreateColliders enum: None, Collider2D, Collider3D, FakePhysics.
float colliderThickness
For 3D collider how thick should the generated collider mesh be.
Vector3 fakeGravity
Gravity for fake physics createColliders mode.
float massMultiplier
Rigid bodies mass will be computed by multiplying this value by the shard polygon area. If this value is
negative, the mass is set as an absolute value (polygon size doesn't affect mass).
float initialRadialImpulse
Apply this impulse radially from origin to each shard on break.
float initialRadialImpulsePlusMinus
Plus or minus randomness % variation for radial impulse.
Vector3 initialLinearImpulse
Apply this impulse linearly to each shard on break.
float initialLinearImpulsePlusMinus
Plus or minus randomness % multiplier for linear impulse.
Vector3 initialRotationalImpulse
Apply this impulse to shard rotation on break.
float initialRotationalImpulsePlusMinus
Plus or minus randomness % multiplier for rotational impulse.
float timeToLive
Time to live (seconds). If set to non-0, the shards will be destroyed after this time interval after Break()
is called.
float fadeAfter
If timeToLive is set, the shards will fade to alpha=0 after this time.
float timeBroken
returns Time.time value when Break() was called.
EndAction endAction
If timeToLive is set, what to do when time expires after Break().
One of EndAction enum values: DestroyObject, DestroyParent, ClearShards, DeactivateShards, Reset,
ClearDataAndReset, Restart, DoNothing.
BreakerEvent OnTimeToLiveExpired
If timeToLive is set, this event is called after time expires.
float csgUpscale
How much to upscale coordinates when performing CSG operations.
int csgEpsilon
Epsilon precision value used during CSG. 10 to the -X power (or 10e-X), where X is this value.
int generateSeed
Generation seed - if set to 0, the seed is random.
BreakerGenerateFrom generateFrom
Generation start point. One of BreakerGenerateFrom enum: Quad, Data, Asset.
float generateRandomness
Generation randomness multiplier.
float generateAngle
Generation features start angle
float generateSpacing
Generation features spacing.
float generateFrequency
Generation features frequency (breaks shards into smaller pieces).
Vector2 generateOrigin
Generation origin point (0.5, 0.5 is center of the sprite).
GameObject[] shards
Returns currently spawned shards as GameObjects.
bool autoBreakOnAwake
automatically calls Break() on Awake
bool hasShards
returns true if GameObjects are attached to polygons
bool canBreak
returns true if breaking is possible - i.e. there's a sprite, and breaker data